Te Reo Pick a path!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ki Ora,Ni Hao,Hello.

This week and last week St.Damien class has been making Pick a Paths.A pick a path is when you make a new slide,pick a title,then you ask a question  about anything you want,then click shape and pick any you want,then you place it down and write ether the correct answer or a incorrect answer,then you do it again but if you have already done the correct answer do the incorrect answer,Then do it again or if you only want do only 2 then don’t.Then do control k  and write the number of the slide you want it to go to,if fit is the correct one then put in the number  of the next question,if incorrect then write ether the start or make it stay the same.On the next question ether make it go to the start or the first question.


Good bye and thank you for reading and doing my Blog – Samantha

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